Melbourne Nightlife Blog

14 April, 2008

Pokies set free

The Victorian government has removed the duopoly of Tattersall's and Tabcorp from the state's poker machines. Currently Tatersall's and Tabcorp own the machines in various pubs and clubs around the state - this is set to change in 2012 when individual venues will be allowed to procure machines without either Tabcorp or Tattersall's involvement. A further restriction is that no individual operator is to own more than 35% of the machines.

Joshua Gans of adds the following in his blog:
"It is ironic that our social concerns are about people who become addicted to gambling and at the same time, we need to worry about a government who might become addicted to gambling revenue. For that reason, it is critically important that these changes are accompanied by a serious set of policies to deal with problem gambling."

Source: The Age &

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